Sunday, January 18, 2009

Obesity - Role In Erectile Dysfunction... MEDOWIN- slim naturally

Obese men with erectile dysfunction (ED) are shown to have low levels of hormones, such as testosterone. A correlation between certain conditions associated with obesity, particularly hypertension, are the most important determinants of obesity-related ED. The link between obesity and male potency dates from the Byzantine era, when it was thought that a large stomach impaired a man's ability to have sexual intercourse. This is particularly relevant today, as the prevalence of obesity has more than doubled in the last 25 years. Excess abdominal fat, cardiovascular disease, high blood lipids and type-2 diabetes characterize a condition known as metabolic syndrome, which has recently been associated with erectile dysfunction. obesity was significantly associated with a higher physical contribution to ED, while there was no difference seen with relational or psychological determinants. As the severity level of obesity increased, levels of testosterone decreased. Obese patients were also more likely to have abnormalities in penile blood flow. Psychological disturbances related to obesity did not seem to play a major role in developing obesity-related ED.

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